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Thursday, 12 April 2012

How to show a drive which you have already hide via CMD

Hi friend....
how are you?
so in my previous tutorial i show you to hide any drive with the help of CMD
now i am going a step a head
i will show you how to again show that drive which is hidden by you.

so now just go to command prompt and write diskpart and press enter

now a new command prompt window will open with diskpart
now write list volume and press enter
now you will see your hidden drive without any namebut with a volum number like in my case it is volume 0

so now select that volume which you had made hidden
so for it just type select volume 0 (change the voluem number according to your case in my case it is 0)

now write assign letter F(bcz in my case c,d,e was already taken for my hard disk ,you can see example in above image) and press enter
now close all command prompt windows and go to my computer and see the result
it will look something like this -
you have done...

How to hide any drive via CMD

Hi friend....
How are you?
I am again with a new trick to hide any drive via command prompt
Many times our friend come at our home and just copy and paste all data from our system 
with the help of this tutorial you can hide any drive and can safe your data from copy and paste...
In this tutorial i will show you to hide Dvd Rw from your system but can hide any partition on your harddisk too.


so for doing it just go to command prompt and type diskpart and press enter

now a new window of command prompt will open with diskpart command
now write list volume and press enter

 you will see all your partion and volume of your system
so as you know i want to hide my Dvd Rom so which drive letter is F and volume is 0
so i will write select volume 0 and press enter (you can change volume number according to your use)

now write remove letter F and press enter

now exit from all window's of command prompt and see the result in my computer
you will get something like this

You have done....

Disable search history in windows 7

Hi friend...
how are you?
i am again with a new trick to disable search history disable in windows 7

so for disabling it just open gpedit.msc

now go to User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components 

now go to Windows Explorer. 
Double-click on Turn off display of recent search entries in the Windows Explorer search box on the right hand side of the dialog box

now select Enabled and click on the Apply button.
Click on the OK button.
And close the gpedit 

now you have done....

How to disable or enable the use of USB

Hi friends...
how are you?
i am again with a new trick to diable the use of USB
so for disabling the Usb follow the below step
open regedit
than go to


than CurrentControlSet

than Services


than select the "USBSTOR" folder and in right side of the registry editor panel find the value with name "Start".double click on "Start" and then set its value 4 under "Value data" section.

Close the Registry editor and restart your computer for changes to apply.

now when you want to enable it again than go here and again change the value data to 3
and restart your system for changes to apply.
You have done...